Matin | |
Albert fait son rapport à Cooper : la lettre O a été découverte sous l'ongle
de Maddy, de la fourrure provenant d'un renard empaillé a été retrouvé dans sa main.
Cooper demande que tous les examens soient terminés en 24h.
Albert: Cooper... an observation. I don't know where this is headed,
but the only one of us with the coordinates for this destination in his
hardware is you. Go on whatever vision quest you require. Stand on
the rim of the volcano, stand alone and do your dance. Just find
this beast before he takes another bite.
Cooper: Hawk: You're on the path. You don't need to know where it leads. Just follow... |
James offre une bague à Donna. Donna évoque la nuit dernière. | |
Vivien n'aime pas les oeufs que lui a préparés Norma. | |
Andy pronoce une phrase en français qui surprend Donna : "J'ai une ame solitaire" | |
Donna, Cooper, et Andy se rendent chez les Tremonds.
Une Mme Tremond plus jeune leur ouvre : sa mère est décédée il y a 3 ans
et elle n'a pas d'enfants. Elle a une lettre adressée à Donna qui se trouvait
dans son courrier le lendemain de la mort d'Harold. Il s'agit d'une page issue du Journal de Laura concernant les 22 et 23 février derniers.
Cooper: Laura and I had the same dream.
Andy: That's impossible! Cooper: Yes, it is. |
Cooper interroge le Manchot, dans une chambre du Grand Nord.
Mike: BOB and I, when we were killing together, it was this, this
perfect relationship. Appetite, satisfaction, a golden circle. Cooper: A golden circle. A ring. My ring. I gave my ring to the giant. Mike: He is known to us here. Cooper: Then he's real. Mike: As real as I. {il rit} He can help you find BOB. Cooper: How? Mike: You must ask him first. Cooper: How do I do that? Mike: You have all the clues you need. The answers are not here, my friend, {il touche le front de Cooper} the answers are here. {Il met sa main sur le coeur de Cooper} |
Cooper, dans le hall du Grand Nord, réfléchit à l'affaire. Il
croise le serveur : "I know about you. That milk'll cool down on you
but it's getting warmer now."
Cooper, Truman et Albert fouillent le bureau de Ben. Albert estime l'horaire de la mort de Maddy : entre 22h et minuit la nuit précédente. Il a également reçu les résultats des tests sanguins de Ben Horne. | 12h43 (horloge au mur) |
Andy téléphone à Dick sous le regard de Lucy : Il faut qu'ils aient une discussion. | |
Tojamura rend visite à Ben en prison. Il veut que le contrat signé ou récupérer son argent. Ben signe le contrat et Tojamura révèle sa véritable identité. | |
Donna se rend chez les Palmers et rencontre Leland.
Elle amène une cassette de Maddy, James et elle chantant.
Leland a une vision de Laura se superposant au visage de Donna. Elle
évoque le journal de Laura. Leland reçoit un appel de Beth l'informant que Maddy n'est pas rentrée à la maison. Il mache un chewng-gum, danse avec Donna et commence à la serrer trop fort contre lui. Il est de nouveau possédé par BOB. Donna est sauvée par l'arrivée de Truman, qui vient interroger Leland... |
Donna parle à James de la disparition de Maddy. Il la quitte en pleurs. | 15h00 (horloge au mur) |
A la Roadhouse, Ben mange des noisettes. Cooper et Truman sont au bar.
Truman amène Leland, Ed arrive et ils dégagent la pièce. Hawk amène
Bobby et Leo.
Ben: Would you like us to hum? A Tibetan chant, perhaps?
Le major Briggs amène le vieux serveur, qui donne à Cooper un chewing gum.Albert: I think it's going wonderfully well, don't you? Truman: Now what? Cooper: Harry, I'm not completely sure. _Someone_ is missing. Leland: I know that gum. I used to chew it when I was a kid.
That's my most favorite gum in the world. Waiter: That gum you like is going to come back in style. Cooper se souvient de ce qui lui a dit Laura dans son rêve : "My father killed me." Le Géant redonne sa bague à Cooper. |
15:55 (horloge au mur) |
Cooper et Truman rusent pour amener Leland en cellule. Il devient dingue | |
Sous la menace d'une arme, Leland est menotté, ses droits lui sont lus :
Truman: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an
attorney, one will be appointed for you. BOB: {snickers} Hee hee hee! Oh yeah, I suppose you wanna ask him some questions, huh? Cooper: Did you kill Laura Palmer? BOB: WHOOOO! WHOO! WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOOOO WHOO WHOO WHOOOO WHOOOO!! That's a yes. Cooper: How about Madeleine Ferguson? BOB: What do you think? Cooper: I'm asking you. BOB: No, what do you think? Cooper: That's not the question. BOB: Oh, gosh, gee, gee, whiz. I guess I kinda sorta did... I have this thing for knives... just like what happened to you in PITTSBURGH that time, huh, Cooper?? Oh, Leland... Leland, Leland... you've been a good vehicle, and I've enjoyed the ride... but now he's weak... and full of holes... it's almost nearly time to shuffle off to Buffalo!! Cooper: Does Leland know what you've done? BOB: Ah, Leland's a babe in the woods... with a large hole... where his conscience used to be. And when I go, children, I will pull that ripcord--and you watch Leland remember!! Watch him! But not for long.... WHOO! WHOO! Truman: That's enough for me. |
Dick et Andy écoutent Lucy. Dick fume. | |
Cooper dit à Truman et Albert que la réponse était là, sous ses
yeux depuis le début de l'affaire : Leland en train de danser, ses cheveux gris, Robertson,
les lettres sous les ongles, le Journal Secret. Leland récite le poème de Mike et les réponses de BOB. Les arroseurs anti-incendie se mettent en marche et Leland se fracasse la tête contre la porte. Cooper, Albert, et Truman se précipitent dans la pièce.
Cooper: Call an ambulance! (Cooper s'agenouille près de Leland et prend
sa tête sur ses genous. Pendant le reste de la scène, il caresse la tête de
Leland en essayant de le réconforte.
Cooper regarde Albert, qui secoue la tête - apparemment Leland
ne va pas survivre.
Leland: Oh God! Laura! I killed her. Oh my God, I killed my daughter. I didn't know. Forgive me. Oh God. I was just a boy. I saw him in my dream. He said he wanted to play. He opened me and I invited him and he came inside me. Cooper: He went inside. Leland: When he was inside, I didn't know. When he was gone, I couldn't remember. He made me do things. Terrible things. He said he wanted lives. He wanted others, others that they could use, like they used me. Cooper: Like Laura. Leland: They wanted her. They wanted Laura. But she was strong. She fought. She wouldn't let him in. Oh God. They had me kill that girl, Teresa. And they said if I didn't give them Laura, they'd have me kill her, too. Cooper: But she wouldn't let them in. Leland: They said she'd die before she'd let them. Then they made me kill her. Oh God, have mercy on me. What have I done? What have I done? Oh God. I love her. I love her with all my heart. My angel, forgive me.
Cooper: Leland. Leland, the time has come for you to seek the path.
Your soul has set you face to face with the clear light and
you are now about to experience it in its reality. Wherein all
things are like the void and cloudless sky and the naked
spotless intellect is like a transparent vacuum, without
circumference or center. Leland, in this moment, know yourself
and abide in that state. Look to the light, Leland. Find the
Leland meurt. Sans dire un mot, Cooper repousse ses propres cheveux en arrière
et lève les yeux. Les arroseurs anti-incendie s'éteignent.
Leland: I see it. Cooper: Into the light, Leland. Into the light. Leland: I see... Her. She's there. Cooper: Into the light, Leland. Leland: She's beautiful. Cooper: Into the light. Leland: Laura? Cooper: Don't be afraid. |
Fin d'après-midi |
Cooper, Albert et Truman rencontrent le major Briggs et parlent de BOB | |
On voit un hibou volant au dessus de voitures accidentées. | Début de la semaine du 13 mars |
Cooper décide de son mouvement d'ouverture aux échecs et fait passer une annonce ("Earle: P to K4") dans un journal distribué dans tout le pays |